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Psychology of Pain: Understanding the Determinants of Pain Experience

  • 演講簡介

Pain is a subjective experience influenced by various factors that extend beyond biological aspects. In this lecture, I will present the contemporary understanding of pain experience and discuss several factors that influence it. Specifically, I will focus on the research conducted by my Pain Research Group, although not exclusively. Firstly, I will explore the role of psychological traits and states, such as time perspective, and share findings on how colors can affect pain perception. Moving on, I will delve into the impact of learning processes on pain induction and modulation, including classical conditioning, observational learning, and operant conditioning. The main part of my talk will revolve around placebo effects in pain perception. This will encompass the results of studies on the effectiveness of placebos and their utilization in clinical practice. Most importantly, I will present research findings on the learning mechanisms of placebo effects, involving verbal instruction, classical conditioning, observational learning, and operant conditioning. Furthermore, I will discuss studies on pain memory and its determinants. Finally, I will share our discoveries regarding the use of psychotherapy in chronic pain management. I hope that my lecture will illustrate the diverse and multidimensional nature of pain, shedding light on the crucial role of psychological factors in shaping the pain experience.

  • 講者介紹

Prof. Przemysław Bąbel, PhD, is a full professor of psychology, the director of Jagiellonian University Institute of Psychology, the chair of Jagiellonian University Research Discipline Council for Psychology, and the head of the Pain Research Group at Jagiellonian University. He is the president of the Polish Society of Behavioral Psychology and a member of the Committee on Psychological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. His research interests include learning mechanisms of placebo effects, memory of pain, and the psychological factors that modulate pain perception. Prof. Bąbel is also interested in applications of behavior analysis and the psychology of memory in education and therapy, including the therapy of persons with chronic pain and autism spectrum disorder. He has served as a principal investigator of several grants funded by the National Science Centre in Poland, including the highly prestigious Maestro grant that he was awarded in 2021 for the project “Un(learning) pain by consequences. Development of the learning theory of placebo effects”. Prof. Bąbel has co-authored nearly 100 scientific publications, including eight books and more than 100 popular science publications. In 2008, he received the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences’ “Golden Mind – Master in Knowledge Promotion” Award for his contribution to the popularization of science, and in 2018 he received the Prime Minister’s Award for highly valued achievements, on the basis of which his Doctor of Science habilitation was awarded. In 2019, Prof. Bąbel was awarded the Association for Psychological Science Fellow status for his sustained outstanding contributions to the science of psychology. 

  • 主持人 吳治勳副教授 

國立政治大學 心理學系暨心理學研究所

  • 主辦單位 台灣臨床心理學會
  • 演講時間 

本演講採用 Google meet 線上進行,於演講前一週發送上課連結。

日期:112年9月2日 13:30-15:30

  • 參加對象與報名:
  • 參加對象:臨床心理師、其他心理健康相關專業人員,或臨床心理與其他心理健康相關專業學生
  • 費用:本會會員100元、學生會員 免費。

非會員 500 元、非會員學生100元。


(會員須已繳台灣臨床心理學會 112 年常年會費)

  • 報名網址: 
Psychology Of Pain 1
文章: 220