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時間:112年4月23日 下午2:50-4:20

地點:正心樓 0316教室

主持人:清華大學 李昆樺  老師

分享者:古永利 老師(玄奘大學)、王三平 主任(桃園療養院職能治療科)


In current, patients with schizophrenia are encouraged to leave long-term care hospitals and reconnect with their relatives and family. However, the influences of negative symptoms limited their rehabilitation and adaptation in the community. Literature indicates neurocognition and social cognition could play important roles in the severity of negative symptoms and the extent of life functions. In Taiwan, evidence of the impacts of social cognition and neurocognition on negative symptoms and daily function is still absent. The present symposium will have two brief presentations; the first is about the relationships among neurocognition, social cognition, and functional performance by a case-control study. Another is about the case mix index, social cognition, and employment outcomes in schizophrenia. We want to highlight the significance of improving negative symptoms and social cognition rehabilitation and announce more research in this field. The important goal is to develop a more effective intervention for chronic schizophrenia

文章: 220